Sarge the German Shepherd: A Heartwarming Guardian for Orphaned Fawns

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Sarge, a German Shepherd known for its protective nature, has shown a remarkable display of compassion beyond its guardian instincts.

The owner of Sarge, actively involved in animal rescue, has uncovered the dog’s tender side towards other creatures.

Who said that a fawn and a dog can’t be best friends?

In a heartening gesture, Sarge has proven its nurturing nature, particularly regarding orphaned and injured fawns.


The initial introduction of a fawn to the household witnessed Sarge taking on the role of a vigilant guardian and caretaker. Residing on a small farm in Ohio, Sarge’s compassion also extends to various other animals.

We go together like bread and butter.

Beyond fawns, the farm provides a home to various animals, including roosters, hens, goats, horses, ponies, sheep, rock doves, and other dogs.

Sarge became a part of this farm nine years ago, and its interactions are not only limited to fawns but also encompass diverse animal members.


Cheryl Stephen, the proud owner of this remarkable German Shepherd, generously shares heartwarming snapshots of Sarge bonding with fawns through her Instagram profile.

 Besties share food.
This fawn has got her own personal bodyguard, so better not mess with her.
Definitely in need of some water after running for miles.
Selfie sessions with my fawn bestie.
When life keeps on testing you.
Came outdoors with my best friend to enjoy some fresh air.
Is that really you in this picture?
When you are asked to pose for a photograph after you have had an argument with your friend.
Aren’t our tails just adorable?
Someone was clearly not paying attention.
Just hanging out with my fawn friend.
The fawns were taking a picture and I decided to join them.
A friendship beautiful enough to warm your heart.
I swear to protect these fawns with my life.
Sarge even has a big brother named Bucky.
My loving human and then there’s Bucky.
The friends roam around their barn.

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