A remarkable encounter unfolded at Mfuwe Lodge in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, as a resourceful elephant devised a clever plan to nab some mangoes from a tree within the lodge premises.
Capturing this spectacle, a guest from Lancashire marveled at the agility displayed by the adult male elephant as it gracefully scaled a five-foot wall.
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The incident occurred when the lodge’s guests were out on an afternoon safari on a Saturday. Taking advantage of their absence, the elephant, seeking a fruity treat, ventured into the camp area.

Ian Salisbury, the general manager of Mfuwe Lodge, observed the elephant’s calculated approach in navigating its colossal legs over the stone barrier.
Astoundingly, the giant creature maneuvered over the wall, much like a human would handle an obstacle.

The lodge’s owner, Andy Hogg, captured the elephant’s brief but unsuccessful attempt at finding the desired fruit on video.
Despite the elephant’s determination, its quest was in vain, as the mangoes were out of season during this unexpected visit.
The average period for a family of elephants to frequent the site in southern Africa spans from October to mid-December.

Ian, who hails from Lancashire, recounted the incident with amusement. He noted that while the lodge usually attracted a family of elephants during the early winter, they typically followed a stoned pathway instead of directly ascending a wall.
This unique visitor, however, opted for a more direct route, expressing a keen interest in the mango tree within the lodge’s central area.
The elephant’s hunger-driven strategy to traverse the wall was met with astonishment by both the guests and lodge staff.

Given the elephant’s considerable size and age, Ian described it as an “impressive” act. The estimated age of the elephant is around 30, making it a middle-aged adult bull.
Recent weather patterns might have influenced this unusual behavior of the elephant. Ian speculated that the abnormally wet weather could have prompted the elephant to explore different paths to avoid potential flooding.
Elephants, known to cover vast distances in search of food, adapt their movements based on food availability and external factors such as weather conditions.

In the end, this enterprising elephant’s attempt to secure a mango feast left everyone amazed, showcasing the remarkable capabilities and adaptability of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

Read more Elephant News.